Dec 17, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things (Christmas Edition)

Merry Christmas!
Things I'm loving currently:
1. Enjoying some delightful Pandora Christmas music (Baby, It's Cold Outside radio)
2. Watching some snowflakes' attempt to fall on the ground.
3. Being on Winter Break! I made it through a FULL semester of graduate school. Whew!
4. Trying on a beautiful bridesmaids dress.
5. How many goodies are on my counter top. Last night was my classmate's Christmas Party and we had a BLAST to say the least! The Secret Santa gift I won was a bag full of baked goods--how did I get so lucky?! I made Oreos dipped in brownie batter (idea from here)

Sarah made fantastic Ginger Snap cookies (my FAVORITE!) and awesome fudge! (Left on the platter)

 My Secret Santa gift was from Katie S. It was a bag FULL of chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate dipped macaroons, and some homemade caramel.

Somewhere in the evening, Katie admitted that she didn't actually make any of them. However, she DID make this fantastic bag! 

(My favorite is the Nativity Scene! So creative!)

 This is how Callie feels about puppies not getting chocolate. She was even nice this year.

 Here are more photos to entice you. Who should I expect for company? I certainly cannot eat all of these by myself! (Although, between the time these photos were taken and the post was written, the platter needed to be refilled. Don't judge.)

What are some of YOUR favorite Christmas time delights?!

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