Feb 9, 2010

Supa Bowl, Supa Cole

Again, any excuse to whip up some treats, I'll take it! The Super-bowl is no exception! I decided I wanted to do something out of the ordinary, AND something that is common for those with less exotic taste buds! I found the Peanut Butter cake recipe and instantly thought "That will fail." Which made me decide that I had to do it! There was plenty of chocolate frosting from last week and thought that would taste absolutely delightful! For the more common recipe, I chose those yummy, moist chocolate cupcakes with a vanilla frosting.

I started with the p-butter cakes, thinking if they were to fail, I would have time to whip up more chocolate cakes. I expected the peanut butter to make the batter sticky or unbearable, but to my surprise, it was just as normal as other batters! I lathered on the frosting and used white fondant to make little footballs of the cakes!

The result? A hit! A little bit on the crumby side, but, my oh my, the taste was just splendid!

Now, for the chocolate cakes! I've made these before, so I knew they would be great. My new indication is Mark. I talked about our friend Mark last blog, and his "Taste-o-meter" is the most flattering thing ever! Granted, he likes to eat nearly everything, but still, I can't even describe the sounds he makes--but I know he loves my cakes! This night, I did get very frustrated and had Jon step in for the frosting part of this, so that helped relieve a ton of my stress! Here they are:

Go Saints!

To finish off, I was bragging last post how much I LOVE birthdays! And that was when my best girl, Nicole informed me that I had not baked HER a batch of my cakes for her birthday, which was a month ago. How horrible can I get?! So I pulled a chocolate cake with green frosting to write "Happy 23rd---Congrats---Sorry". (She also JUST got a job at Rose Medical Center, I am SO proud of her!)

Sunday was fantastic! Jason and Kellie hosted a great party with lots of friends and food! Never a dull moment with that group!

Recipes used today:
Peanut Butter Cupcakes (Crazy about Cupcakes by Krystina Castella) 
Chocolate cupcakes (Crazy about Cupcakes by Krystina Castella)
Vanilla Frosting (Crazy about Cupcakes by Krystina Castella)
Fondant writing tip (From Michaels)

Feb 3, 2010

Just a little something I whipped up

I have to come clean. There is a secret deep inside of me that I MUST confess to my faithful readers: I love birthdays.
I'm not even sure why! Mainly, I think, it's the celebration of someones birth--usually people who mean a lot to me. I think that is why cupcakery is so precious to me: it's a little gift made with a ton of love! So this week was very, very special with the celebration of a great friend (Mark) AND Jon's sister (Katie) and dad (Nathan)!

Obviously by the lack of baking/blogging (blaking?!), school has swallowed up my schedule, so the time to do things fun has gotten shorter and shorter. But when it comes to birthday's, I seem to pull through! Example:
4:30-Go time, done with work, and it's time to book it
6:00-Arrive at Jon's and we run to the store
7:00-Mix, mix, mix! Pop those puppies in the oven
8:00-Enter birthday boy and his lovely wifey
8:24-(Commercial of 24!) Indulge and success!

As we didn't have a ton of time and lacked many ingredients, I made something I've done before: Golden cupcakes. Again, altitude conversions (souper batter, less baking powder...) helped with the beauty of these cakes. Jon whipped up an internet frosting, which was very, very delicious, however a little gooey. Here are the results:

DIY frosting!

The man of the night (besides Jack Bauer!)

Then, the next day was another busy day of school, but once I got to Jon's, we went to the grocery to buy ingredients to make the best frosting ever for Katie and Nathan's birthday(s)! (Used on the previous blog: Strawberry cupcakes) (DISCLAIMER: If ever anyone wants any of these recipes in detail, please let me know!)

The party was super fun, and ended with a surprise visit from Ben "Jammin" Jarvis and Colin Twaddell! Lucky us!

Recipes used today:
Chocolate Frosting (Crazy about Cupcakes by Krystina Castella)
Golden Cupcakes (From Crazy about Cupcakes by Krystina Castella)
1 Minute Chocolate Frosting (Found here)